Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Hair Revelation

For many years I have hated loathed and despised my naturally curly, mind of it's own, gigantic hair! I would be scared to add up all the money I have spent on straighteners, relaxers, frizz fighting products, etc.  I actually got to a point where I could blow it dry and flat iron it and it look halfway decent.  However, it would take me an hour or more just to flat iron it!  I had to section it off in the smallest pieces you could imagine. 

This pic is where it was professionally flat ironed. 

Then one day I had a revelation.  We were getting ready to go to a Little Big Town concert and I was considering going and getting my hair flat ironed at the salon so it would look really good.  Then my sister was like "uh, why don't you just wear it curly...I mean the blonde haired girl in LBT wears hers that way all the time."  So then I googled her and sure enough I found one pic out of thousands that she had hers straight. She flat out rocks her curls.  

So I decided I had to do two things: One, find someone who could do a dry cut, but also could do it curl by curl (sort of like a deva cut), and, secondly, I knew I wanted to go from a darker brown to much, much lighter!

Fortunately, my sister's nephew's fiance had learned about the deva cut in cosmetology school, so she knew exactly what to do to achieve the best style for my curl pattern. She's fabulous and SO sweet.  Her name is Brooke and she owns Southern Charm Salon! She's well worth the hour and eight minute drive from my house!

We knew it would take several colorings to get the color that I wanted.  

Here is where I started...pre-coloring...

My first appointment was in October...

Followed by one in November....

And another in December...

Tomorrow I go for my last lightening appointment....going to attempt all over blonde and see how I like it. Super excited!! 

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